16 Bloques de cera Stockmar en estuche de lata con un raspador. Estos colores son resistentes al agua y no manchan las manos.
Están hechos con cera de abeja y pigmentos naturales por lo que no son tóxicos y son difíciles de romper. La forma de ladrillo es especialmente indicada para las manitas más pequeñas, que todavía no saben coger un lápiz. Colores: rojo carmín, rojo cinabrio, naranja, amarillo-oro, amarillo-limón, verde-amarillo, verde,verde-azul, azul, azul marino, violeta-azul, violeta-rojo, marrón-rojizo, marrón-amarillo, negro, blanco.
The popular Stockmar wax colouring-blocks are made of the same materials as our wax crayons. They therefore have the same excellent properties and are available in identical colours. Stockmar wax crayons meet the highest artistic standards. Through the addition of pure beeswax as a binding agent, the light-resistant pigments display their purity and full brilliance. Because they are mixed with wax, the colours are able to be used in a wide range of interesting colouring techniques - more than any other colouring material. The natural transparency of the wax and the lack of additives result in a high degree of opacity like that of watercolours. colours: 01 carmine red, 02 vermillion, 03 orange, 05 lemon yellow, 06 yellow green, 07 green, 09 blue, 10 ultramarine, 12 red violet, 13 red brown, 15 black, 16 white
16 bloques de colores de cera de abeja, Stockmar, dimensiones aprox. empaque 20 x 10 cm.